Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Go Online Now and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Go Online Now” or “we,” “us,” or “our”) are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your information. This Privacy Policy outlines how Go Online Now and its subsidiaries manage information that may be used to identify you directly or indirectly (“Personal Information”) submitted by you or collected through our website, including any related mobile applications owned, operated, or controlled by us (referred to individually and collectively as the “Website”) and related to your use of our web services and mobile applications (hereinafter collectively, “Services”). By accessing the Website or using our Services, you acknowledge and agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy, which are subject to, and incorporated by reference into, our Terms and Conditions.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, Go Online Now is a controller (i.e., responsible party) for the practices described herein. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the extent we process Personal Information in the role of a processor or service provider (as applicable) on behalf of our business customers. For information about the privacy practices of a Go Online Now business customer or a customer affiliate, please contact the respective business customer directly. We are not responsible for the privacy or data security practices of our business customers.


This Policy is provided to all Philippines residents and any other applicable individuals subject to this Privacy Policy.


The types of nonpublic Personal Information that we may collect depend on which of our Services you are utilizing. We may collect the following types of Personal Information:

  • Information received directly from you on applications, forms, and in other communications to us.
  • Information collected about you or collected from third-party sources pertaining to your transactions with us, our affiliates, and others.
  • Information obtained when verifying your registration when using our Services.
  • Information collected automatically from your browser or mobile device.

Go Online Now uses the above-listed Personal Information only as permitted by law, including for the following purposes:

  • To complete transactions and provide the Services authorized by you.
  • For general business purposes, including but not limited to, diagnosing problems with the Website or application, sending you information about your account, providing you access to your account, notifying you of new products or applications, verifying your identity, determining and confirming your transaction limits, performing collections, troubleshooting problems, analyzing products and services, enforcing our Terms and Conditions, protecting our rights and property, and customizing, measuring, and improving our Services.
  • For other business purposes such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of our Services, and enhancing, customizing, and improving our features, products, and Services.
  • To comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, agreements, and policies or to prevent, detect, identify, investigate, respond to and protect against potential or actual claims, liabilities, prohibited behavior, and criminal activity.
  • To develop and improve our marketing activities, including identifying new customer opportunities and sending marketing communications.

If you are no longer using our Services, we may continue to store and protect your Personal Information pursuant to this Privacy Policy and as required by law, including but not limited to purposes such as risk management, regulatory compliance, and audits.


We may disclose, or in the past 12 months have disclosed, the Personal Information identified above in the following limited circumstances for business purposes:

  • Affiliated Companies: We may disclose Personal Information with companies affiliated with us.
  • Organizations that Provide Services: We may disclose your Personal Information with companies that perform services for us, such as credit, product development, and data processing vendors.
  • Potential Buyers: In the event of a business transition, your Personal Information may be part of the assets transferred.
  • Other Parties: We may disclose your Personal Information to comply with a legal obligation, protect legal rights, protect safety and security, protect against fraud, or with your consent or as allowed by applicable law.

We do not sell, rent, lease, or disclose your Personal Information to third parties except if you consent to such disclosure or as described in this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to disclose any Personal Information about you without your prior permission if we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to protect and defend our rights, property, or safety, enforce the Terms and Conditions, respond to claims of content violations, or as allowed by applicable law.


We have reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of your Personal Information under our control. While we strive to maintain the security of our website and databases, we cannot guarantee the security of our website or databases or that Personal Information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. We ask that you maintain your usernames and passwords used to access our Services strictly confidential.


Every time you visit the Website, our web server automatically collects information through cookies, web beacons, and similar tracking technologies. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile device. Cookies help the Website remember information about your visit, making it easier to use the Website and improving its performance. Cookies on our website are generally divided into the following categories:

  • Essential Cookies: These are necessary for the Website to function and enable you to move around and use the Website and features.
  • Analytics Cookies: These provide us with information about how visitors navigate and interact with our website.

We may use the information collected through cookies and related tracking technologies for purposes such as making our website easier to use, gathering metrics about how you interact with our website, ensuring security, and providing personalized content.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser settings to prevent this. If you disable cookies, your ability to use some features of the website may be limited. For mobile devices, you may manage certain cookies using your built-in mobile device settings and controls.


We may provide links to other third-party websites through the Services for your convenience. However, such linking does not mean that Go Online Now endorses, is affiliated with, or makes representations concerning such third-party websites. Go Online Now neither reviews, controls, nor is responsible for these third-party sites or any content therein. If you decide to access any third-party websites linked to the Services, you do so entirely at your own risk. Go Online Now shall not be liable for any consequences arising from the use of any third-party websites to which the Services link.


At this time, our website is not configured to respond to a browser’s “do not track” signals.


How long we retain your Personal Information depends on the context and purposes for which we collected it. We generally retain Personal Information for as long as necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed, unless a different retention period is required by applicable law.

When we have no ongoing business need to process your Personal Information, we will either delete or anonymize it, or securely store it until deletion is possible.


Depending on your location and the types of Personal Information at issue, you may have certain rights with respect to your Personal Information. These rights include, but are not limited to:

  • Right of access
  • Right to correction
  • Right to deletion
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to prohibit the sale or sharing of Personal Information
  • Right to limit the processing of your sensitive Personal Information

If you choose to assert any of these rights under applicable laws, we will respond within the time period prescribed by applicable law. Your rights and our responses will vary based on your state of residency. You may be entitled to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.

We do not discriminate against individuals who exercise any of their rights described in this Privacy Policy. However, certain Services may require the use of your Personal Information to provide access.

Verification Process:

Only you or a person authorized by you may make a verifiable consumer request related to your Personal Information. If you designate an authorized agent, we will require verification that you provided permission for the request.

The verifiable consumer request must provide sufficient information to verify your identity and describe your request in detail. Our verification process may include requesting additional information to confirm your identity. If verification is successful, we will respond within the time and manner required by applicable law. If we cannot validate your identity or authority, we will attempt to contact you.


Our Services are not directed toward children under the age of eighteen, and we do not knowingly collect any Personal Information from children under the age of eighteen. If a child provided Personal Information, we ask that a parent or guardian send us a written request to promptly delete the child’s Personal Information from our records.


As Go Online Now’s Services evolve, we may update or amend this Privacy Policy. If we modify this Privacy Policy, we will post the revised version online, and it will be effective immediately. If any modification materially changes how we use your Personal Information, we will provide notice online prior to the effective date of the change. It is your responsibility to periodically review this Privacy Policy. Users are bound by any changes to this Privacy Policy by using our Services after such changes have been first posted. If you do not agree to the new posted Privacy Policy, your only remedy is to discontinue the use of the Website.


If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us via the information provided below:

Sun Valley Golf
Antipolo Rizal
Philippines, 1870


Contact Email: info@goonlinenow.co

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